BRIC is a member of the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) and has formally adopted the 2022 Insurance Brokers Code of Practice (Code). As a Code Subscriber, BRIC commits to act in accordance with the Code Principles when we:

  • perform services for our clients;
  • engage with beneficiaries named in our client insurance policies;
  • engage with prospective clients, clients and their representatives;
  • interact with other insurance brokers, whether they are Code Subscribers or not;
  • deal with insurers, insurer representatives (such as assessors, adjusters and experts) and other members of the insurance industry; and
  • respond to or assist regulators or other enforcement bodies and AFCA.

A copy of the Code is available here.

If you are unhappy about the provision of services covered by the Code and provided by us or our representatives, you can make a complaint. Please refer to our Feedback and Complaints Policy for information about how to make a complaint.

Anyone can report alleged breaches of the Code to the Insurance Broker Code Compliance Committee. Please visit Insurance Broker Code Compliance Committee (IBCCC) to report a concern.