Domestic Builder (Manager) was removed as a class of building practitioner as part of the Interim Building Regulations 2017 which came into effect 1 July 2017.  The transitional provisions for this change in regulation have a direct impact on domestic building practices for individuals and businesses alike.

From 30 June 2022, the class of Domestic Builder – Manager (DB-M) and Domestic Builder Unlimited with condition 40 (DBU-40) will cease to exist.

The changes will be staggered to ensure a smooth transition away from DB-M/DBU-40 registration classes and to make sure building projects in progress can be completed prior to the June 2022 deadline.



From 30th September 2021, practitioners with either a DB-M, CDB-M, or DBU-40 registration can no longer enter into Major Domestic Building Contracts.

The relevant building surveyor (RBS) can continue to issue building permits naming a DB-M or DBU-40 practitioner as the builder on a building permit for domestic building work to be carried out under a major domestic building contract until 31 January 2022. The relevant building surveyor (RBS) cannot issue building permits to DB-M or DBU-40 practitioners after this date.



At BRIC, we strongly encourage DB-M and DBU-40 practitioners that haven’t yet begun the transitioning process to urgently commence this process.    

Prioritising this will help to ensure licencing upgrades are finalised with sufficient time to enable Relevant Building Surveyors (RBS) to consider applications for, and issue building permits after the 31 January 2022.

Given the changes to these registration classes over the coming months, DB-M/DBU-40 practitioners may have trouble purchasing the required insurance. Therefore DB-M/DBU-40 practitioners are encouraged to upskill and apply to the Victorian Building Authority to upgrade to another class prior to the deadline to continue practicing beyond June 2022.



If you have any questions or require assistance with the registration transitioning process, please reach out to your dedicated BRIC broker.

Chloe Pham - Senior Consultant

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BRIC, as a company of Honan Insurance Group Pty Ltd is now fully owned by Marsh Pty Ltd. To find out more, speak to your broker or read the announcement
